Eliminate Hate

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The fairly politically correct and liberal environment that comes naturally with living on or around campus definitely has it's benefits, but there also are negative implications as well. One issue with living in the this environment is that students are isolated to real problems impacting the rest of the La Crosse community. Hate crimes are one of these problems. As we carry on day to day in our own little bubbles, hate crimes are being committed in the mean time in the La Crosse community. They can have their motives stemming from race, sexual orientation, religious views, or the one I wish to address, immigrant status. The Hmong Mutual Assistance Association here in La Crosse has an average of two hate crimes reported a week solely against the Hmong immigrant population. The reasons for many of these hate crimes come from a lack of education about immigrants and their economic and cultural impact. As students, I believe it is our duty to educate ourselves so we do not have the same perceived and untrue ideas about immigrants and can thus advocate for the legal immigrants whom deserve justice.


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